Welcome to Genovo World. We are Shenzhen_BGIC_0101_2013 team.
What we do
- NeoChr
Neochr module would assist users to grab related genes in different pathways manually, to rewire genes’ relationship logically*, and to replace genes with ortholog that score higher*. - NucMod
NucleoMod is a module to modity CDS sequence of genes which generated by Neochr module. This module contains 5 plugins: CRISPR design, erase enzyme site, create enzyme site, codon optimization, repeat smash. All of these plugin is allow user to change or optimize the gene. After NucleoMod operation, the next step is SegmMan to design synthestic method according to the length of chromosome. - SegmMan
The synthesizer or synthesis chip can up to 3kb DNA sequence with high accuracy, but chromosome is not that short. SegmMan can settle this problem, it splits chromosome into 30k fragments, after parsing its exited enzyme sites, continues segmentation into 10k and 2k fragments. In 10k and 2k level, its will add vector homologous region and design enzyme sites.
install Guid
Our software are totally based on JBrowse which is next-generation of GBrowse. If you have install JBrowse, just pull git and use.
Install JBrowse
To install JBrowse, see the main JBrowse wiki at
For Short Description:
- unzip the Download file in www root folder
(/home/www is recommand and do not use /var/www/ as that need root permission)
- cd jbrowse
- ./ # Install all perl package needed with cpan, If all goes well, you can open http://localhost/jbrowse/index.html?data=sample_data/json/volvox
Software Requirment
- perl5
- php5 ( for REST api and backend server )
- Apache
- Linux ( Tested on Debian )
- git ( for version control plugin )
- Biopython and UNAFoldt ( for chip plugin )
- Blast+ ( for NucleoMod Plugin )
Chrome and firefox is recommand
Permissoin Requirment
Writable data, plugin/tmp_data, server/tmp_data, jbrowse_conf.json
Executable ./bin/ ./server/bin/ ./plugin/bin
Install NucleoMod Plugin
NucleoMod depend on Blast+, So if you use Debian based System:
apt-get install ncbi-blast+
Or you can Install From:
Install Chip Plugin
Download and install UNAFoldt and Biopython from:
install version control plugin
git is needed
Any other Plugins is portable
File System
|-bin # JBrowse's exec
|-data # Genovo default output
|-extlib # All perl 5 Library
|-plugins # JBrowse defaulte plugins folder
|---Genovo # Genovo plugin for JBrowse
|-server # Server side for JBrowse
|---bin # Server side exec
|-----gaspserver # chip plugin
|-----GetPrice # get enzyme's price
|-----segmentation # SegmMan Plugin
|---config # Genovo Server side config
|---doc # Genovo Document
|---lib # Genovo library Needed
|---pathway # Pathway Data need by NeoChr Plugin
|---REST # Servers side REST implement
|---rewire # Logic genes data for next version
|---system # REST implement
Medals Requirement
Bronze Medal
- 1 Register the team, have a great summer, and have fun attending the Jamboree
- 2 Create and share a description of the team's project via the iGEM wiki
- 3 Present a Poster and Talk at the iGEM Jamboree.
- 4 Develop and make available via the The Registry of Software Tools an open source software tool that supports synthetic biology based on BioBrick standard biological parts
- Our software in Github
Note: Our giant software aims at operating Biobrick of device level based on synthesized DNA fragments. But for biobrick level, the second module can also assist users to design genes, such as deletion of EcorI, XbaI, SpeI, PstI, Not I in the CDS, codon optimization and repeat smash.
Silver Medal
- 1.A Provide a detailed, draft specification for the next version of your software tool.
As our project is so large and extensible greatly, at least 5 ideas can't be realized due to time limitation.
- 1.B Provide a second, distinct (yet complementary) software tools project.
For the third module SegmMan, we have a complementary design & synthesis method OLS chip synthesis(link), so that Genovo is compatible for both synthesizer and chip.
- 2 Provide a demonstration of their software either as a textual or video tutorial made available on their wiki.
Gold Medal
- 1 Have another team utilize the software developed by your team. You must clearly show how your software was used and the results that were obtained.
- 2 .A Outline and detail how your software effects Human Practices in Synthetic Biology.
- Web-based server for public to use
- Software assessment and comparison with Biostudio.
- Regional workshop
- We interview with core leader, Dr. Patrick Yizhi Cai and talk about Genovo’s design and application.
- 2 .B Use SBOL in your software documentation.
We use SBOL as one of the output of first module to describe the genes in new created pathway.
- 3 .A. Develop and document a new technical standard that supports one of the following:
Design of BioBrick Parts or Devices :
Construction of BioBrick Parts or Devices :